The Glenwood Police Department is currently accepting applications for one full-time officer positions. Applicants must be MN POST Board licensed or eligible to be licensed by the time of hire, possess a valid MN driver's license, and be able to pass a pre-employment background. Salary and benefits will be per the union contract and city employee policy. Please visit the for the application and additional information. Please send application and resume to Glenwood Police Department. This position will be opened until filled.


from the Glenwood Chief of Police
As your Chief of Police, I welcome you to the official Glenwood Police Department web site. Throughout the year, we have sworn officers on duty 24/7 patrolling the City of Glenwood, Minnesota. In addition, we assist the surrounding communities and the Pope County Sheriff’s Office when needed. Many times during the year, we utilize our local volunteer Pope County Sheriff’s Posse for additional assistance and back-up. We are a proud partner in protecting and serving the citizens and visitors of Glenwood and Pope County! Together, we share the responsibility of facing problems that our community faces on a daily basis. As taxpayers, it is your responsibility to inform the Glenwood Police Department of your concerns in order to keep the City of Glenwood safe and secure. This web site provides you with a variety of information concerning the police department. You will find contact information, information about the community we serve, services, links, and other informational resources at your fingertips. We invite your comments, and look forward to continuing to work with you to create a dynamic future for Glenwood, Minnesota; “Where Everyone’s Your Neighbor!” In partnership with the Glenwood Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce, local businesses and organizations, and the citizens of the community, we strive to do our duty to make Glenwood a “Great Place to Work, Shop, Live, & Play!” I encourage you to visit our website often, explore the different pages and informational links, and welcome your comments and suggestions! Thank you for your support of the Glenwood Police Department!
- Respectfully
Dale Danter, Chief of Police
Pope County